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Maintenance Expo 2016


PRESS RELEASE - May 5, 2016

San Jose, Costa Rica: Colmac Coil has been invited to have a presence with Refrigeracion y Soluciones en Frio at the Maintenance Expo 2016 in Costa Rica. Colmac is honored at the opportunity to share informative literature and media at this expo.

The Maintenance Expo is hosted by the Asociacion Costarricense de Ingenieria en Mantenimiento (ACIMA) in conjunction with the XII International Congress of Maintenance Engineering. It is the largest industrial trade show in Costa Rica, hosting over 250 engineers this year. This year, ACIMA celebrates its 25th year of a firm commitment to innovation and engineering to society.

Look for Colmac Coil’s literature and media at the Refrigeracion y Soluciones en Frio booth, June 2 and 3, 2016, at the Maintenance Expo in San Jose, Costa Rica.

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