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Colmac Freezers Used for Fish Processing in Alaska


Colmac Coil is proud to be the refrigeration provider of choice for a state-of-the-art project in Alaska. Silver Bay Seafoods, based in Sitka, Alaska, has built a new 64,679 sq. ft. facility in Valdez to process pink salmon and wild salmon caviar. 

The highly automated facility required a number of custom requirements including advanced earthquake construction technology, a power supply capable of delivering 7 Megawatts of power, and a high end refrigeration system. Colmac worked alongside SubZero Contractors and Air Treatment Corp to meet the needs of the advanced refrigeration system. Two tunnel freezers and a plate freezer are capable of freezing 130,000 round pounds of salmon per hour.

To read the full article detailing all the unique features of this facility, click here.