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A+ Pro
Colmac Coil A+ Pro Parametric Selection Software creates custom air cooler designs quickly and easily.
- Web based--runs through your browser
- Select air coolers based on design requirements and let the software pick the unit that meets your most important criteria (price, size, efficiency, etc.)
- Rate air coolers based on construction parameters (design coolers to fit the space available)
- Easily add options and features
- Sizes both evaporators and liquid-air coolers
- Create projects and organize units by tag and room
- Work in IP or SI units
- Ability to apply fouling factors and calculate performance with frost
- Generate concatenated project reports/summaries quickly in a variety of file formats
- Unit Specification documents, Price Summaries, Engineering Schedules, Engineering Specifications
- Make revisions to existing items in project
- Explore how your unit will perform at various fan speeds (VFD control)
- Both dry and operating weights are calculated
- Access to estimated information like:
Charge inventory, time between defrosts, power usages for motors and electric, defrost, required water flow rates for water defrost, air throw, sound
Access to A+Pro is available to authorized Colmac Coil representatives and qualified customers.
Colmac Coil HygenAir™ Parametric Selection Software creates custom hygienic air handler designs quickly and easily.
- Web based--runs through your browser
- Select A+H Hygienic Air Handlers based on design requirements and let the software pick the unit that meets your most important criteria (price, size, efficiency, etc.)
- Ability to design unit with return air as the temperature setpoint or room average as the temperature setpoint.
- Automatically generates thermal design, dimensions and weight, electrical data, pricing, and engineering specifications.
- Generate concatenated project reports/summaries quickly in a variety of file formats
- Easily add options and features
- Create projects and organize units by tag and room
- Work in IP or SI units
- Make revisions to existing items in project
- Both dry and operating weights are calculated
Access to HygenAir is available to authorized Colmac Coil representatives and qualified customers.
Allows accurate selection and/or rating of plate fin and tube (compact) heat exchangers for commercial and industrial HVAC, refrigeration, and process heating and cooling applications. Calculations normally assume air on the finside, however, the program allows entry of gas properties in the case of special gases on the finside. State-of-the-art fluid property routines are used to calculate properties of various single and two-phase tubeside working fluids including:
Aqueous (single phase) Solutions
Water, Ammonia, Calcium Chloride, Ethanol, Ethylene Glycol, Glycerol, Lithium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Methanol, Potassium Acetate, Potassium Formate, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride
Viscous Fluids
Volatile (two phase) Refrigerants
Water (steam), Ammonia (NH3), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen, Propane, Iso-Butane, R12, R123, R124, R125, R134a, R142b, R152a, R22, R23, R245fa, R32, R401a, R404a, R407a, R407c, R417a, R500, R502, R503, R507a, R508b
Commercial and industrial HVAC and refrigeration cooling coil calculations can be made for either chilled water or evaporators (DX, pumped, and gravity flooded), with or without dehumidifying on the finside. The program uses thermodynamically correct psychrometric calculations from cryogenic (below 100C) to very high (above 100C) air temperatures.
Calculations with two phase condensing fluids on the tubeside, such as steam, are available along with single phase cooling of tubeside fluids (air heating on finside).
The program allows the user to select from a wide range of tube diameters including: 5/8" (15.9mm), 7/8" (22mm), and 1" (25.4mm), in a wide range of tube materials including: cupro-nickel, carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum. Fin thicknesses available include: 0.008" (0.20mm), 0.010" (0.25mm), 0.012" (0.31mm), 0.016" (0.41mm), 0.020" (0.51mm), and 0.032" (0.81mm).
Casing materials include 5052 (AlMg3) Aluminum, Galvanized Steel, 304 or 316 stainless steel.
The software runs online through the user's internet browser via a secure username and password. In addition to calculating thermal performance, the program calculates a price and generates dimensional drawings and specifications.
Access to CoilPro is available to authorized Colmac Coil representatives and qualified customers.
Colmac Coil parametric Dryware selection software creates dry cooler, condenser, and gas cooler custimized designs simple and fast. All available online in our browser-friendly software. A wide range of working fluids along with various materials of construction and options are available right in the software including:
Working Fluids Available for Condensers:
Acetone (propanone), Ammonia (R717), Benzene, Butane, C02, Cyclohex, Cyclopro, Ethane, Heptane, Hexane, Isobutan, Methane, Pentane, Propane, R113, R114, R12, R123, R1234YF, R125, R134A, R142B, R152A, R22, R245FA, R32, R401A, R404A, R407A, R407C, R407E, R407F, R410F, R413A, R448A, R449A, R500, R502, R503, R507A, R508B, Toluene
Working Fluids Available for Fluid Coolers:
Calcium Chloride, Ethylene Glycol, Potassium Formate, Propylene Glycol, Special Fluid, Water
C02 is now available in Colmac Coil Supercritical Gas Coolers
Air-cooled ammonia condensers in very large capacities can also be selected with stainless steel tubes.
The software is designed to allow the user to either select or rate air-cooled condensers and dry (fluid) coolers. Choosing the Select method presents you with a range of models which meet the capacity requirements you have specified. Choosing the Rate method allows you to calculate capacity for a particular condenser or dry cooler model at the operating conditions you specify.
Selections can be sorted to any criteria, such as:
- First Cost
- Energy Efficiency
- Sound Level
- Refrigerant Charge
- Weight
- Dimensions
In addition to calculating thermal performance, the program calculates a price and generates dimensional drawings and specifications.
Access to Dryware is available to authorized Colmac Coil representatives and qualified customers.
Refrigeration Load Simulator
Colmac Coil has developed a new way to make refrigeration load calculations. The online Refrigeration Load Simulator Program offers the following features and benefits:
- Allows user to create complete facility layout (including custom shaped rooms)
- Performs heat and mass balance for entire facility
- Predicts sensible and latent loads and room RH
- Based on state-of-the-art equations
- Vary door operations and climate conditions to observe effects
- Works with A+Pro software to select air coolers
Access to the Refrigeration Load Simulator is available to authorized Colmac Coil representatives and qualified customers.
The Colmac Engineering Toolbox
When performing heat transfer and pressure drop calculations for refrigeration systems, a designer needs tools that are quick and easy to use when finding fluid property data and making pressure drop calculations.
The Colmac Engineering Toolbox puts these data and design tools in one place in a way that is easy to access and intuitive to use. This unique collection of programs is the result of our own experience designing heat exchangers and piping systems and is now available to you.
The engineering calcualators include:
- Air Properties
- Brine Properties
- Climate Data
- Refrigerant Properties
- Single Phase Pressure Drop
- Sound Calculator
- Plate Fin Surface Area
- Two Phase Pressure Drop
- Vertical Riser Calculator
These free tools will help you make your next selection by:
- Giving you browser friendly web-based access.
- Including all commonly available refrigerant and brines.
- Unique vertical suction riser design tool allowing accurate prediction of vertical suction riser pressure drop, pipe diameter, pipe size, based on variable loads, and for any refrigerant.
- Giving you central access to important air and fluid properties along with pressure drop, sound, and surface area calculators at your fingertips.
Access to the Engineering Toolbox is available to authorized Colmac Coil representatives and qualified customers.
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