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Reversing Air Flow Evaporators



Traditionally blast freezing and cooling cells have been designed with airflow moving in one direction only through the product. Research at Colmac Coil using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software validated by field experience has shown dramatic improvements in both freezing time and product quality when designing for reversing airflow through the product during the freezing (or cooling) cycle. Using recently developed fan blade technology, Colmac offers evaporators with the ability to effectively move air through the product in alternating opposite directions. This new fan technology is cost effective and can be applied to most A+Series™ evaporator configurations. 

Using CFD modeling, Colmac engineers can accurately predict airflow patterns and air pressure drop through the product in your facility to optimize the design of your blast freezing or cooling cell. Using reversing airflow evaporator technology has shown freezing times can be reduced by as much as 20% and finished product temperature variations can be reduced to as little as + or - 0.5 deg C. 

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