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Colmac Coil's ASME B31.5 and 5-Year Warranty


Colmac’s full adherence to ASME B31.5 standards demonstrates a long standing commitment to producing quality products for the industrial refrigeration market. The design, materials, fabrication, examination, and testing of every Colmac Coil ammonia evaporator coil complies fully with the requirements of the ASME Code for Pressure Piping B31.5 “Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components”. Colmac Coil utilizes the quality systems defined by ASME Sections XIII and IX of the Pressure Vessel Code for the design and manufacture of its ammonia heat exchangers. IIAR-2 requires that ammonia piping systems be built and installed according to the requirements of ASME B31.5. Full compliance with ASME B31.5 for evaporator construction insures that the ammonia refrigeration system is constructed with the same consistent quality standards throughout.

Colmac has also recently introduced its new 5 year warranty for coil cores. Colmac’s commitments to ASME quality systems and extensive in-house welder training allows them to warrant all of the pressure bearing elements in stainless steel tube ammonia evaporators (tubes, headers, connections, weld joints) to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 5 years. At Colmac the top priority is the safety of people and products! 

To learn more about ASME B31.5 and the 5 year warranty, please contact Colmac Coil at

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