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Colmac Coil Receives Refrigerant Distributor Patent


COLVILLE, Wash. – On July 22, 2014, Colmac Coil obtained a patent for the refrigerant distributor. This invention relates to a multi-circuit distributor for use on ammonia refrigeration evaporator heat exchangers operating with dry or near-dry expansion.

This invention is a novel refrigerant distributor system for multiple circuit evaporators which uses the principles of gravity and phase separation rather than pressure drop to distribute equal amounts of refrigerant liquid and vapor to all circuits. The invention can be used with any refrigerant at any operating temperature, but is particularly well suited for use with ammonia.

The use of gravity and phase separation and the minimized pressure drop during hot gas defrost are only a couple of the important improvements made to the safety and reliability of refrigerant distributors.

To view the Refrigerant Distributor patent and learn more about this invention, click here.

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