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Ammonia21 Interviews Bruce Nelson


And Presents 2nd Edition Advanced DX Ammonia Piping Handbook

COLVILLE, Wash. – Shortly after Colmac Coil’s release of the new 2nd Edition Advanced DX Ammonia Piping Handbook, Ammonia21 updated their news article informing readers about the new advanced low charge DX ammonia technology. In this news article, Ammonia21 highlighted the purpose and main ideas of the Advanced DX Ammonia Piping Handbook and added a video interview with Bruce Nelson, company President, who discussed the importance of this new technology:

Colmac Coil Manufacturing Inc.’s tested and patented technology allows for low charge industrial ammonia refrigeration designs using direct expansion (DX). The Low Temperature DX Ammonia system address the main issues associated with ammonia as a refrigerant, that have previously prevented its use at low suction temperatures. Colmac Coil’s newly published DX Ammonia Piping Handbook 2nd Edition provides engineers and designers with the guidelines needed for the successful design of low charge DX ammonia refrigeration systems from +10°C to -45.5°C (+50°F to -50°F).(Ammonia21)

For more information, please see the Ammonia21 news article.

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